Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Barnes & Noble has "Educator Appreciation Week" every so often, and sends me e-mails when it's time for me to get additional discounts on anything I want to purchase.  I try to wait to buy personal items (non-classroom books) until this week because the discount is actually better than the usual one for educators*.  But I love the grammar error sent out on this e-mail announcement!

*If you're an educator - even a homeschooler - you can sign up for the educational discount at no charge at B&N.  Just ask at the check-out, and they'll set you up.  Then, everything you use for school is 20% off.  For homeschoolers, this covers a lot of materials, considering how integrated lessons can be.

Do you see bad grammar? Send us a picture!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Doug sighting!

I subscribe to Retailing Today because I work in the retail industry.  I have noticed a pattern in Doug Desjardins' (senior editor) reports - poor proofreading.

The first example was the misspelling of Fortune 500 company Advance Auto Parts.  Evidently, he thinks that Advance is done with it's growth phase and called the company "Advanced" Auto Parts.

Dude, if you are going to report on a company, shouldn't you at least get the name right?

Do you see bad grammar? Send us a picture!

I hope "you" taste buds can resist temptation...

Do you see bad grammar? Send us a picture!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Just How High Did He Throw Them?

This is from a site for children to learn about money management.  I'm hoping they were trying to be "punny," but I still disagree with using bad grammar with young children who (a) aren't going to get the joke anyway and (b) will think this is correct because it's an educational site.

Do you see bad grammar? Send us a picture!

One Hungry Cat

I saw this here, and seriously wondered if a cat had gone on a rampage.  I thought it was a joke, but it turns out the only joke is the grammar.

Do you see bad grammar? Send us a picture!

Friday, October 10, 2008


A grammatical error at the usually impeccable National Review Online?!?  What is the world coming to?

Do you see bad grammar? Send us a picture!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Mr. White will be adding a couple of posts soon, and he's even got something lined up for a regular feature!  

If you, too, are bothered by bad punctuation, poor spelling, and homophonia, feel free to send in your submissions to us.

Do you see bad grammar? Send us a picture!